Monday, December 1, 2008


Oh, Starbucks, my sweet, sweet, love.

Last week, I had my coffee-versary. Well, sort of. It was the anniversary of my coffee addiction. No, it wasn't the first time I had coffee, but it was certainly the turning point of my dependence upon it for remaining calm in tough and tiring situations, enabling me to go days without biting off the head of some poor, unsuspecting soul.

I was always the "Hot Chocolate with Mint" kind of girl. I despised even the smell of anything coffee related. Much less was I going to drink the crap. In fact, the Beast suffered at my unrelenting unwillingness to make coffee for him. Poor Beast.

I take it all back. I sincerely do.

It started with the Cinnamon Dulce Latte brought to me by an eager friend. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't addicting...sort of take-it-or-leave-it but a nice treat once in a while, it's innocence overwhelmed my need for consumption.

Then at Midnight Madness on Thanksgiving, another dear friend introduced me to the Peppermint Mocha. It's been all down hill from there. That Peppy Mocha, as I so lovingly refer to it, can be very persuasive.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't have to drink one every day, but really, it's better for your safety and my sanity if I do. On the days I don't, stay out of my way. Or, better yet, why don't you pick one up for me. Grande, non-fat, no whip Peppermint Mocha---and NOT, I repeat, NOT the Peppermint Mocha Twist. (They went and messed with a good thing. But I digress, that's a post for another time--only love in this one!)

Happy Coffee-versary to ME!


Anonymous said...

Can I get a AMEN SIST'A?!

Anonymous said...

Lol. My coffee-versary story is similar. I also succumbed to the pull of Starbucks one day at Christmas time, but my first weakness was a Gingerbread Latte. Still the stuff of heaven. But beware, it's a slippery slope from here...I didn't think I'd ever move from that to regular coffee but I did. Now I totally drink regular drip coffee with creamer. Which I used to think was totally disgusting. Happy Coffee-versary to you!

Anonymous said...

Awww. I forgot to put my name in the space. Woops. Too bad you can't edit your comments. Oh well. Now you have a bonus one. :)

Anonymous said...

MUHAHAHA no more complaining about the coffee smell...happy versary to u

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD! This comment is totally not related to this post, but since you never get my emails I thought I'd cover all the bases. I just wanted to let you know that I just looked on flickr. And I have the CUTEST kid EVER. EVER. You know it's true. I am totally digging the picture of him sitting in the leaves. Like, a lot, I want to eat him up.