Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Really? Pee-pee HAS to be the focus here?

I am trying desperately to catch up on the blogs that I used to be so GREAT at reading on a daily basis...to no avail.
However, I did read the Bloggess today...(you gotta love a woman posts about dead hobo fingers, especially when you later discover she is right...there really IS a use for dead hobo fingers) and I totally decided to copy her. I figure that if she is going to link to http://www.wordle.net/, that's just like giving me express permission to copycat. Yeah, I'm going with that theory.

You can view mine on the sidebar (cuz I'm not cool enough to have figured out how to actually save it...and I'm too chicken to ask her). If you click on it, it will take you directly to a bigger picture of my coolness.



"Seattle" Heather said...

Are you sending us all subliminal messages? That's pretty cool...I'm going to try one for me...but first I have to install Java and yah yah yah...

Anonymous said...

you should have posted about fisting, I mean, if you're going for bloggess copycatness you might as well go all the way...