Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy Number 3, Buddy!

This will be a shorter post than we are used to...textly speaking, anyway.
My heart is full and words escape me...
So, instead, I will share with you some (unedited) photos from the Boy's last day as a Two Year Old.

(Does that mean that the Terrible Twos are over too? Please...)

**This is what it looks like when a very excitable two year old realizes mommy holds all the power. The power of the quesadilla!**
**I am really not as devilish as I look here...Or maybe I am.**
**Just when he mastered the Two Finger answer to the "How old are you?" question from strangers, he goes and turns THREE.***

**No matter hold old I am, I'll always love my sissy!**

Happy Birthday, Buddy. Mommy loves you and I am scared excited to see what an experience your third year will be.


"Seattle" Heather said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACOB! I cannot believe how fast time flies. I remember when you were swimming in your momma's tummy! Wow...seems like yesterday! You have grown into such an adorable little boy! You're parents should be very proud of you! I know I am! :)

the many Bs said...

what a good looking young man! he is growing up very fast. have a happy 3rd birthday, kiddo!